User Manual
e. Not to assign, transfer or pledge the key;
f. Not to destroy, alter, modify, disassemble or tamper with the key or
knowingly or unknowingly allow anyone else to do so;
g. To notify your Organization immediately in writing, and in any event
within 48 hours, of a loss or theft of the key or any keyboxes, and of all
circumstances surrounding such loss or theft;
h. To complete and deliver to your Organization a stolen key affidavit prior
to and as a condition of the issuance of a replacement key;
i. To follow all additional security procedures as specified by your
Organization; and
j. To safeguard the code for each keybox from all other individuals and
entities, whether or not they are authorized users of the Service.
4. Authorization. Before a keybox is installed or used on any piece of real
property, the prior written authorization to install or use a keybox must be
obtained from the property owner, as well as from any tenant(s) in
possession of the property, if applicable. Extreme care shall be used to
ensure that all doors to the listed property and the keybox are locked. All
owners and/or tenant(s) of real property shall be informed that the keybox
is not designed or intended as a security device.
User Manual
Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Product overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
eKEY setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Connection settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Releasing the key container . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
User Manual
Changing KeyBox settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Viewing showing activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Reading a KeyBox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
eDATA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Listing and MLS data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
This is the GE Security eKEY User Manual. This document
includes an overview of the product and detailed instructions
how to set up your eKEY;
how to perform an eSYNC to update your eKEY;
how to access KeyBoxes;
how to view showing activity for your listings; and
how to view MLS listing and roster data.
There is also information describing how to contact technical
support if you have questions or concerns.
For specific information about your personal digital assistant
PDA. For additional information on using your Supra eKEY
Conventions used in this document
The following conventions are used in this document:
Menu items and buttons.
Emphasis of an instruction or point; special terms.
File names, path names, windows, panes, tabs,
fields, variables, and other GUI elements.
Titles of books and various documents.
Blue italic
(Electronic version.) Hyperlinks to cross-references,
related topics, and URL addresses.
User Manual
User Manual
Product overview
The eKEY software allows your PDA to act as an electronic key
that gives you access to Supra KeyBoxes placed at listings. An
eKEY shell attachment for the PDA is provided if you access
AEII KeyBoxes. The shell is not needed for areas where iBoxes
are used exclusively.
The eKEY software keeps track of the KeyBoxes it has opened
throughout the day. At the end of the day, the software expires
and must be updated by connecting to the Supra network in a
process called eSYNC. During an eSYNC, your PDA sends
showing data to the network, updates your eKEY software, and
receives messages. Depending on your eKEY service level, the
latest MLS data and showing activity may be also delivered to
your PDA.
Software applications
The Supra software applications include eDATA, eKEY, eSYNC,
and eInstall.
eDATA. This application enables you to view listing details,
roster information, and KeyBox activity.
eKEY. This application enables you to access Supra
KeyBoxes with your PDA.
eSYNC. This application controls the process of
transmitting information between your PDA and the
Supra network.
eInstall. This application is only used on PDAs with the
Palm operating system and allows you to beam all of the
Supra applications to another PDA.
Chapter 1
Getting started
Operating systems
The Supra software applications are compatible with both the
Palm and Windows Mobile 5.0 operating systems. The software
functions similarly on both operating systems with minor
where the eKEY software operation varies, this user manual
provides specific instructions for each operating system.
Figure 1. Palm and Windows Mobile 5.0 operating systems
Palm OS
Windows Mobile OS
User Manual
eKEY setup
This section explains how to install the Supra software
applications and set up your eKEY. Follow the instructions for
your PDA’s operating system.
Palm OS
If you are using a PDA with the Palm operating system, follow
these instructions to install the eKEY software, authorize and
register your eKEY, and perform a manual eSYNC to update
your eKEY.
Software installation
If you plan to use an Internet connection to eSYNC, you must
install the Supra eKEY software on your computer. If the eKEY
software is already installed on your PDA and you plan to use a
Supra modem to eSYNC, you can skip this step and go to
page 19 for more information about the eSYNC process and
connection methods.)
If you have an eKEY shell, place your PDA in the shell to
complete the installation. If you do not have a shell, you must
obtain an authorization code from your association/MLS to enter
into your PDA the first time you open the eSYNC application.
You can install the software using the provided eKEY CD, or you
can download it from the KIM website.
Before installing the Supra eKEY software, you must
install the Palm desktop software using the CD
provided with your PDA.
Chapter 1
Getting started
To install the software using the Supra eKEY CD, do the
1. Insert the CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
2. When the menu appears, select Install eKEY Software
to begin the installation.
If the CD doesn’t run automatically, select Start | Run,
type the CD-ROM drive letter followed by :\eKEYSetup.exe
(for example: D:\eKEYSetup.exe) then press Enter.
3. Click on the Palm picture to specify your PDA’s
operating system.
4. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the software.
To download the software from the KIM website:
2. Select the name of you association or MLS from the
dropdown list.
3. Enter your eKEY serial number and four-digit PIN code,
then click Login.
4. Click the Download Applications link in the left-hand
column of your screen.
5. Click on the Palm picture to specify your PDA’s
operating system.
6. Click Install and follow the onscreen instructions.
User Manual
eSYNC connection method
After installing the eKEY software, choose the eSYNC method
you’ll use to update your eKEY. There are three methods:
Wireless (PDA phones only)
Supra Dial-up (requires a Supra modem)
information about each eSYNC connection method.
Select the eSYNC icon to open the application and tap
SETTINGS. If the Authorization Required screen appears, tap
Begin. Follow the onscreen instructions to authorize your eKEY
using the authorization code provided by your association/MLS.
When the Connection Wizard opens, tap Begin and follow the
instructions in the wizard to select your eSYNC connection type.
You will then be prompted to register your software. Go to
If you are not prompted to enter an authorization code when you
open SETTINGS, select your connection type from the
Figure 2. Palm Connection screen
Chapter 1
Getting started
Software registration
If you are not using an eKEY shell, you must register your
software for security purposes. After you authorize the software
and select your eSYNC connection method, you are prompted to
register your eKEY software. Follow the onscreen instructions to
complete the registration process.
If you previously authorized your software but did not complete
the registration process, do the following to register your eKEY:
1. Open the eSYNC application and tap the Menu icon.
2. Select Register eKEY from the dropdown list.
3. Select Begin.
4. Choose your secret question, then tap Next.
5. Enter the answer to your question, then tap Next.
6. Enter your e-mail address and tap Next.
7. In the Connect your eKEY screen, tap eSYNC Now if
your PDA is connected to your computer or Supra
modem, or if you eSYNC through a wireless connection.
Tap Later if your PDA is not connected and you want to
eSYNC at a later time.
Your eKEY will be registered when you eSYNC. If you ever
need to reinstall the Supra applications on your PDA, you’ll be
asked to enter an authorization code. To get the authorization
code, log on to the KIM website, click the Authorization Code
link in the left-hand column of your screen, then answer the
secret question you selected.
User Manual
Windows Mobile OS
If you are using a PDA with the Windows Mobile operating
system, follow these instructions to install the ActiveSync and
eKEY software, authorize and register your eKEY, and perform a
manual eSYNC to update your eKEY.
Software installation
Install ActiveSync software so that your PDA can sync with your
computer. Use the CD provided with your PDA, or download
ActiveSync from the KIM website by doing the following:
2. Select the name of your association or MLS from the
dropdown list.
3. Enter your eKEY serial number and four-digit PIN code,
then click Login.
4. Click the Download Applications link in the left-hand
column of your screen.
5. Click on the Windows picture to specify your PDA’s
operating system.
6. Click ActiveSync 4.1 and follow the onscreen
If the eKEY software is not already installed on your PDA, you
can install it using the provided eKEY CD, or you can download
it from the KIM website.
Chapter 1
Getting started
To install the software using the Supra eKEY CD, do the
1. Insert the CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
2. When the menu appears, select Install eKEY Software
to begin the installation.
If the CD doesn’t run automatically, select Start | Run,
type the CD-ROM drive letter followed by :\eKEYSetup.exe
(for example: D:\eKEYSetup.exe) then press Enter.
3. Click on the Windows picture to specify your PDA’s
operating system.
4. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the software.
To download the eKEY software from the KIM website, do the
2. Select the name of your association or MLS from the
dropdown list.
3. Enter your eKEY serial number and four-digit PIN code,
then click Login.
4. Click the Download Applications link in the left-hand
column of your screen.
5. Click on the Windows picture to specify your PDA’s
operating system.
6. Click Install and follow the onscreen instructions.
User Manual
Software registration
After the software is installed on your PDA, you must enter an
authorization code to activate it. Call your association/MLS for
an authorization code, then do the following:
1. Go to Programs | eSYNC on your PDA.
2. In the Authorization Required screen, click Begin.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions to authorize your eKEY
using the authorization code provided by your
After you’ve authorized the software, you will be prompted to
register your eKEY. Click Begin, then do the following:
1. Choose a secret question from the dropdown list, then
click Next.
2. Enter an answer for your secret question, then click Next.
3. Enter your e-mail address, then click Next.
Your eKEY will be registered when you perform an eSYNC. If
you ever need to reinstall the Supra applications on your PDA,
you’ll be asked to enter an authorization code. To get the
authorization code, log on to the KIM website, click the
Authorization Code link in the left-hand column of your screen,
then answer the secret question you selected.
Chapter 1
Getting started
eSYNC connection method
Once your eKEY is registered, the Connection Wizard opens and
prompts you to select your eSYNC method. There are two
eSYNC connection methods:
information about each eSYNC connection method.
to set your connection type and perform your first eSYNC.
Figure 3. Windows Mobile Connection wizard
User Manual
Market area
If you have eKEY Professional service, your PDA can download
listings during an eSYNC. To determine which listings are
downloaded, set up your market area at the KIM website.
To set up your market area, do the following:
1. Perform a manual eSYNC. Open the eSYNC application
and select UPDATE KEY.
and log on to KIM.
3. Click the Configure Market Area link in the left-hand
column of your screen.
4. Click the Start Wizard button.
5. Click on the picture that corresponds to your PDA’s
operating system.
6. Select your PDA type, then click Yes to confirm.
7. Select at least one class, area, and status, then set a price
page 13).
Chapter 1
Getting started
Figure 4. Market Area wizard
8. Click Apply.
9. View the total number of listings selected and make any
changes if necessary, then click Done.
Perform a manual eSYNC to download the listings. If necessary,
connect your PDA to your computer or Supra modem, then open
the eSYNC application. Select UPDATE KEY & MLS to
connect to the network and download the listings.
User Manual
The Mapopolis application lets you view maps for specific
listings in your market area. County maps are provided to you
free of charge through the KIM website. To install a county map,
do the following:
2. Click the Maps link in the left-hand column of your
3. Click the Mapopolis link in the center of your screen.
4. Select your state from the dropdown list, then click Show
All Maps.
5. Click the name of the county map you want to download.
6. Follow the instructions for your operating system to
download the map:
Palm. Click the Download Map link under Map for
Download window, click Open. When the file
has finished downloading, click OK to add the
map to your Palm Quick Install utility. The map
will be downloaded to your PDA the next time
you perform a HotSync with your computer.
Chapter 1
Getting started
Windows Mobile. Right-click the Download Map
Save Target As, then save the file to your
desktop. Place your PDA in its cradle to connect
it with your computer. In the ActiveSync
application on your computer, click Explore to
open the Mobile Device folder. Drag the map file
from your desktop to any location in the Mobile
Device folder. ActiveSync will transfer the map
to your PDA.
Figure 5. Download map screen
After your county maps are installed, the eDATA application
provides a link to the map when you are viewing a listing record.
To open the map on a Palm PDA, tap the arrow next to the listing
address. In Windows Mobile, select the address to open the map.
You can also view maps by opening the Mapopolis application
User Manual
eKEY Loans
eKEY Loans is a simple mortgage and loan calculator included in
the Supra applications that lets you do the following:
calculate almost all mortgages and personal loans,
including Canadian mortgages;
determine loan amounts based on a monthly payment;
calculate and display amortization schedules; and
export loan information with a detailed analysis and
amortization schedule.
You can calculate the price, interest rate, loan term, or the
monthly payment amount for a loan. To perform a calculation in
eKEY Loans, select the calculation type from the Calculate
dropdown list, then enter information in the appropriate fields.
Figure 6. eKEY Loans application
Chapter 1
Getting started
To reset the fields to zero and create a new calculation, select
File | New. If you want to save a calculation, select File | Save
and enter a name for the calculation. To open a calculation that
you previously saved, select File | Open, then select the name of
the calculation. To delete a saved calculation, select File | Delete.
To view the amortization schedule for a loan calculation, select
Options | Amortization. If you want to copy the loan details,
select Options | Details to open the Loan Details screen
Figure 7. Loan Details screen
User Manual
User Manual
Your eKEY software is designed to automatically update during
the night so it’s ready to access keyboxes the next morning. In a
process called eSYNC, your PDA connects to the Supra network,
exchanges information, and updates your software. When you
open the eKEY application, a message displays the eKEY’s
Figure 7. eKEY update status message
If you miss an automatic eSYNC, you can manually initiate the
eSYNC process any time to update your eKEY software.
Chapter 2
Connection methods
There are three ways to connect to the Supra network to perform
an eSYNC:
PC-Internet. The PDA connects to the network through a
computer with an open Internet connection.
Wireless. The PDA connects to the network through a
wireless Internet connection. To use this connection
type, your PDA must be a wireless phone device with
data service.
Supra Dial-up. The PDA connects to the network through
the Supra modem, which uses an analog phone line. This
option is only available to Palm devices.
Depending on the type of PDA you are using, not all connection
methods may be compatible with your device.
User Manual
Connection settings
The eSYNC connection type is determined when you set up your
You can change your eSYNC connection type at any time.
To change the eSYNC connection type, do the following:
1. Select the eSYNC icon to open the application.
2. Select SETTINGS from the eSYNC menu.
3. Select the connection type from the dropdown menu at
4. If you are using a PDA with the Palm OS, tap OK. If you
have a Windows Mobile device, select Done.
Figure 8. Connection settings screen
Windows Mobile
Chapter 2
PC-Internet connection settings
You can edit the PC-Internet eSYNC connection properties in the
The DNS field is configured by GE Security. Do not
change the DNS entry unless instructed to do so by
technical support.
Disable Automatic eSYNC. If you prefer to eSYNC
manually, check this box to turn off the automatic
eSYNC that occurs each night.
Update eKEY every HotSync. This option is only available
in the Palm operating system. If you check this box, your
eKEY software is updated each time you perform a
HotSync with your computer. If you have eKEY
Professional service, MLS information also downloads,
increasing the amount of time it takes to perform a
HotSync. If you do not check this box, your software
only updates once a day, even if you HotSync multiple
Figure 9. PC-Internet connection settings screen
User Manual
Wireless connection settings
You can edit the Wireless eSYNC connection properties in the
Connection screen.
The DNS field is configured by GE Security. Do not
change the DNS entry unless instructed to do so by
technical support.
If you prefer to eSYNC manually, check the Disable Automatic
eSYNC box to turn off the automatic eSYNC that occurs each
Figure 10. Wireless connection settings screen
To reduce the amount of time you are using your data service,
select the PC-Internet connection method for downloading
listings and roster information. The PC-Internet connection is
used when you perform a manual eSYNC using the
UPDATE KEY & MLS option. The Wireless connection is used
during automatic eSYNC and when you perform a manual
eSYNC using the UPDATE KEY option.
Chapter 2
Supra Dial-up connection settings
You can edit the Supra modem dialing properties in the
Connection screen.
The DNS field is configured by GE Security. Do not
change the DNS entry unless instructed to do so by
technical support.
Disable Automatic eSYNC. If you prefer to eSYNC
manually, check this box to turn off the automatic
Phone1 # and Phone2 #. You can enter up to two phone
numbers. The phone number can be changed if you
travel outside your local dialing area. Check the box next
to the phone number you want the eKEY software to use
to dial the Supra network.
and select the eSYNC Phone Numbers link.
Figure 11. Supra Dial-up connection settings screen
User Manual
Dial prefix. The dialing prefix is dialed before the eSYNC
phone number. Check the Dial prefix box to enable a
dialing prefix, then enter the number. For example, you
may need to dial a 9 to access an outside phone line.
Disable call waiting. If you need to disable call waiting,
check the Disable call waiting box and enter the
appropriate code for your telephone provider.
Wait for Dial Tone. Check this box if you have voicemail
on the phone line where the modem is connected. Enter
the number of seconds to have the modem wait before
dialing the Supra network.
The Phone Number Dialed field at the bottom of the screen
displays the phone number exactly as it is dialed during an
Chapter 2
Automatic eSYNC
The eKEY software turns on your PDA at a predetermined time
between midnight and 6 a.m. to connect to the Supra network and
perform an automatic eSYNC. Your eKEY software is updated
and you receive showing alerts. If you have eKEY Professional
service, your PDA also receives the latest listing and roster
To perform an automatic eSYNC, follow the instructions for your
eSYNC connection method.
PC-Internet connection. Use the cable or cradle that came
with your PDA to connect it to your computer each night.
For the automatic eSYNC to occur, your computer must
be on and with an active Internet connection.
Wireless connection. A wireless eSYNC occurs
automatically if your PDA phone is in an area covered by
cellular service. If a wireless eSYNC fails because your
PDA phone is out of coverage during the designated
automatic eSYNC time, your PDA checks for coverage
every 30 minutes between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.
You will not see your PDA checking for coverage.
When it finds coverage, your PDA will perform an
eSYNC to update the eKEY software for KeyBox access
only. If you have eKEY Professional service, new listing
information is not delivered in this situation. You will
need to perform a manual eSYNC to receive updated
MLS information and showing activity.
Supra Dial-up connection. If you’ve purchased a Supra
eSYNC modem, you can update your eKEY through an
analog phone line. Connect your PDA to the modem
each night and it will automatically dial the Supra
network and perform an eSYNC.
User Manual
Manual eSYNC
You can perform a manual eSYNC at any time to update your
eKEY software and download listing/roster information.
To perform a manual eSYNC, do the following:
1. Open the eSYNC application.
2. Select UPDATE KEY to update your software so you
can access KeyBoxes. If you have eKEY Professional
service, you can select UPDATE KEY & MLS to
update your software and download listing/roster data
If you are using the PC-Internet connection on a PDA with the Palm
operating system, you can also perform a manual eSYNC by
initiating a HotSync.
Figure 12. eSYNC menu screen
User Manual
Manual update
If you are unable to perform an eSYNC, you can obtain an update
code from the KIM website or automated voice system and
manually enter it into your PDA. Showing activity in your PDA
is not uploaded to the Supra network until you perform an
If you obtain an update code from the KIM website or
voice system, you may need to perform an eSYNC
before you can obtain another update code.
To obtain an update code from the KIM website, do the
2. Select the name of your association or MLS from the
dropdown list.
3. Enter your eKEY serial number and four-digit PIN code,
then click Login.
4. Click the Update Code link in the left-hand column of
your screen. The update code displays.
To obtain an update code from the KIM voice system, do the
1. Call KIM at 1-888-968-4032.
2. Enter your three-digit area code.
3. When prompted, enter your eKEY serial number and PIN
code into the phone, followed by the # sign.
4. KIM reads a list of options. Press 1 on the phone for an
update code.
User Manual
User Manual
Accessing KeyBoxes
The eKEY application lets you access both the AEII KeyBox and
Figure 15. Supra KeyBoxes
AEII KeyBox. To communicate with the AEII KeyBox,
your PDA must have the Palm operating system and
needs to be inside an eKEY shell. The eKEY shell fits
into the recessed area on the front of the AEII KeyBox,
with the contacts on the shell matching the contacts on
the KeyBox.
iBox. Your PDA communicates with the iBox using infrared
technology. The infrared port on your PDA transmits
information to the infrared lens on the front of the iBox.
The distance should be less than a foot between your
PDA and the iBox. Direct sunlight can interfere with the
infrared communication, so you may need to shade the
area between the PDA and iBox when you are accessing
the key container.
Chapter 3
If you access both types of KeyBoxes, the PDA does not need to
be inside the shell to access iBoxes. If your area uses iBoxes
exclusively, an eKEY shell is not required.
Releasing the key container
To access the listing keys inside a KeyBox, do the following:
Your eKEY must be updated to access KeyBoxes.
1. Open the eKEY application. If you are accessing an AEII
KeyBox, place your PDA inside the eKEY shell and
close the cover. Press the On button on the shell to start
the eKEY application. The eKEY menu displays
differently when the PDA is inside the shell but the
Figure 16. eKEY menu display inside and outside shell
Inside shell
Outside shell
2. Select OBTAIN KEY from the eKEY menu.
3. Enter your PIN code and select OK. If your PDA is
inside the eKEY shell, press Enter on the shell.
User Manual
4. Insert the eKEY shell into an AEII KeyBox or point your
PDA at an iBox. Several screens display as the eKEY
application communicates with the KeyBox and releases
the key container.
The AEII KeyBox container will drop after a few seconds. Grasp
the sides of the container and pull straight down to remove it from
the KeyBox. For an iBox, press up on the base of the KeyBox to
release the key container. The iBox container will relock after 30
After releasing the key container of an iBox, your PDA may display
information from the listing agent, including showing notes, listing
details, and the listing agent’s business card.
Use the chain inside the KeyBox key container to attach the
listing keys. The AEII KeyBox container holds up to two listing
keys, and the iBox holds up to three. Before closing the key
container, verify that all items are well inside and that the front is
not bowing or bulging out. If you are a listing agent, always
make sure that you have a spare set of listing keys before you
close the key container.
Do not place ID tags, key rings, or loose objects in the
key container. They can jam the container.
To close the key container, turn it so that the compartment
holding the keys is facing you. Insert the key container into the
bottom of the KeyBox and push up until it closes.
Chapter 3
Agent feedback
A feedback alert displays on your PDA after the key container
opens if the Agent Feedback option is turned on in your eKEY
software, or if the listing agent has activated the Req. Feedback
setting in an iBox. This option allows you to provide feedback
about the showing to the listing agent.
To turn the Agent Feedback option on or off in your eKEY
software, open the eKEY application. If you have a Palm device,
tap the Menu icon. If your PDA has the Windows Mobile OS,
select Options. Go to Preferences and either check or uncheck
Only the listing agent can activate or deactivate the feedback
setting in an iBox.
Figure 17. Preferences screen
User Manual
Releasing the shackle
Each KeyBox has a four-digit shackle code that releases the
shackle for installation or removal at a listing.
To release the shackle on a KeyBox:
1. Open the eKEY application.
2. Select RELEASE SHACKLE from the eKEY menu.
3. Enter the shackle code and select OK. If your PDA is
inside the eKEY shell, press Enter on the shell.
4. Insert your eKEY shell into an AEII KeyBox or point
your PDA at an iBox. Several screens display as your
PDA communicates with the KeyBox and releases the
If you are releasing the shackle on an iBox, the battery level is
displayed on your PDA.
You are asked if you would like to change the KeyBox settings.
Select Yes to change the settings or No to continue. See
KeyBox settings.
When you release the shackle on a KeyBox, the KeyBox serial
number is automatically added to your KeyBox inventory. Your
KeyBox inventory information is delivered to KIM when you
eSYNC. You can view your KeyBox inventory by selecting the
MANAGE KEYBOXES in the eKEY application or by logging
on to the KIM website and clicking the View Existing KeyBoxes
Chapter 3
CBS codes
Every KeyBox contains a Call Before Showing (CBS) code that
you can activate using the Manage KeyBoxes menu option of the
more information.) The CBS code allows the listing agent to
control KeyBox access by requiring the showing agent to call for
preauthorization before opening the KeyBox. If the CBS code is
active in a KeyBox, you must enter the CBS code into your PDA
before accessing the KeyBox. Contact the listing agent to
determine if a CBS code is required to open a KeyBox.
To enter a CBS code into your PDA, do the following:
1. Open the eKEY application. If you are entering a CBS
code for an AEII KeyBox, place your PDA inside the
eKEY shell.
2. Select ENTER CBS CODE from the eKEY menu.
3. Enter the 7-digit CBS code and select OK. If your PDA
is inside the eKEY shell, press Enter on the shell.
Once your eKEY software is activated with the CBS code for a
particular KeyBox, follow the standard procedure for releasing
the key container. You can access the KeyBox until the listing
agent changes the KeyBox settings or until you enter a CBS code
for a different KeyBox.
User Manual
Managing KeyBoxes
The Manage KeyBoxes menu option in the eKEY application
displays the KeyBoxes in your inventory and allows you add
KeyBoxes or change the settings.
Adding KeyBoxes
KeyBoxes are automatically added to your inventory when you
more information.) You can also add KeyBoxes using the eKEY
application or by going to the KIM website.
To add a KeyBox to your inventory using the eKEY application,
do the following:
1. Open the eKEY application.
2. Select MANAGE KEYBOXES from the eKEY menu.
3. If your PDA has the Palm OS, select Add. If you have a
Windows Mobile device, select Options | Add KeyBox.
4. Enter the shackle code and select OK. If your PDA is
inside the eKEY shell, press Enter on the shell.
5. Insert your eKEY shell into an AEII KeyBox or point
your PDA at an iBox. Several screens display as the
PDA communicates with the KeyBox.
page 41).
Chapter 3
Figure 18. KeyBox settings screen
Select Done to return to the list of KeyBoxes in your inventory.
To add KeyBoxes to your inventory using the KIM website:
2. Select the name of your association or MLS from the
dropdown list.
3. Enter your eKEY serial number and four-digit PIN code,
then click Login.
4. Click the Add New KeyBox link in the left-hand column
of your screen.
5. Enter the KeyBox serial number, shackle code, and the
listing ID where the KeyBox is assigned, then click Add.
Once the KeyBox is added, KIM asks if you’d like to view the
KeyBox settings. Click Yes to view the settings or No to view a
list of KeyBoxes in your inventory. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add
additional KeyBoxes.
User Manual
Changing KeyBox settings
Follow these steps to change the settings of a KeyBox in your
iBoxes contain several fields in addition to the standard settings in
the AEII KeyBox.
1. Open the eKEY application.
2. Select MANAGE KEYBOXES from the eKEY menu.
A list of the KeyBoxes in your inventory displays.
3. Select a KeyBox record to view the settings.
4. Select Edit.
5. Select the field you want to change and update the
information. A star next to a field indicates that a change
has been made to a setting that has not been updated in
the KeyBox.
6. If your PDA has the Palm OS, select Program. If you
have a Windows Mobile device, go to Options |
Insert your eKEY shell into an AEII KeyBox or point your PDA
at an iBox to have the new settings updated in the KeyBox.
iBoxes store additional information that displays on the showing
agent’s PDA after the key container is released. This information
includes the listing agent’s business card, notes, and a listing
Chapter 3
Access hours
KeyBoxes can be programmed to allow 24-hour access or timed
access for specific hours. To determine the timed access hours
preprogrammed into your KeyBox, contact your association or
Access hours are set at standard time. If your area observes
daylight saving time from April through October, the actual
access hours are one hour later than the hours set in the KeyBox.
For example, if a KeyBox is programmed for access from 8 a.m.
to 9 p.m. Standard Time, the actual access hours are 9 a.m. to 10
p.m. during daylight saving time.
You can program your KeyBoxes to allow timed access or
24-hour access. In iBoxes, you can also change the timed access
hours. Access hours are displayed under KeyBox settings in the
Manage KeyBoxes menu option. Follow the instructions in
access hours.
Figure 19. KeyBox access hours settings
User Manual
Cooperating systems
Your PDA may be able to access KeyBoxes in a neighboring
association/MLS. Check with your association/MLS to
determine if your area has a cooperating agreement.
In order to show listings in a cooperating area:
your PDA must be programmed to access KeyBoxes in
that area; and
the cooperating association/MLS must give you
permission to update your eKEY software for that area.
Your primary association/MLS can program cooperating areas
into your PDA. Once the programming has been added to your
PDA, contact the cooperating association/MLS to receive
permission to update your eKEY software in their system.
If the cooperating system is networked, your eKEY software is
updated automatically for both your primary system and the
cooperating system when you perform an eSYNC. If you
manually update your eKEY software, you must first update it for
your primary association/MLS before updating it for cooperating
If the cooperating system is not networked, call the system’s KIM
voice access once a month to obtain an update code for your
eKEY software. The date your eKEY software expires in the
cooperating system is printed on the back of your eKEY shell.
You must be updated for the primary system before you can get
an update code for the cooperating system.
User Manual
Viewing showing activity
Each time your eKEY software releases the key container in a
KeyBox, the access is recorded in both the software and the
KeyBox. There are four ways to view this showing activity
use the ShowingValue feature on the KIM website;
read your KeyBoxes to view the showing activity on your
request a report from the KIM voice access system; or
if you have eKEY Professional service, view showing
activity in the eDATA application.
ShowingValue is a web application included in KIM that
provides you with several enhanced showing features. You can
receive e-mails automatically when you’ve had a showing, create
customized showing reports, and e-mail updates to agents who’ve
shown your listings.
ShowingValue also lets you send and receive showing feedback,
add feedback about your listings for reporting to sellers, and have
KIM remind you by e-mail to send feedback on properties you’ve
You must add your KeyBoxes to your inventory in order for
will receive a message on your PDA after you eSYNC that
indicates how many times your listings have been shown since
your last eSYNC. You can then go to the KIM website and view
your showing activity in ShowingValue.
Chapter 4
Showing activity
Showing activity reports
summary of the showing activity at your listings. The Dashboard
displays on the main page after you log on to KIM.
Figure 20. ShowingValue Dashboard
The total number of showings displays on the first row of the
Dashboard. To change the date range for the activity displayed
on your Dashboard, click Change Dashboard Date-Range. Use
the Dashboard Date Range dropdown menu to select the new
date range, then click Save Now to activate the setting.
From your Dashboard, click the View button for a detailed
Showing Activity report that includes the date/time of the
showing, showing agent, KeyBox serial number, listing number,
and listing address. From the Showing Activity Report screen,
you can print or e-mail the report.
Click Create New Report to generate a new Showing Activity
report for a specific KeyBox, listing number, or date range. In the
Configure Report screen, select the report criteria then click
User Manual
E-mail notifications
ShowingValue lets you receive e-mail notifications for the
when showings occur at your listings;
when showing agents submit feedback about your
when you want reminders to submit feedback about
properties you’ve shown; and
when listing agents send messages about listings you’ve
To opt-in to receive e-mails for any of these events:
1. Click Settings in the left-hand column of your screen
under ShowingValue.
2. Check the I want to receive an email... box for each
category that you want e-mail notifications for.
3. For Showing and eFeedback notifications, use the
checkboxes and dropdown lists to specify the e-mail
4. In the Also send a copy to: (CC) box, enter any additional
e-mail addresses you want to include in the notifications.
If you are entering more than one e-mail address, use a
comma or semicolon to separate the addresses.
Chapter 4
Showing activity
Figure 21. Opt-in for e-mail notifications screen
5. Click Save Now when you are finished configuring your
e-mail settings.
You e-mail address must be current at your
association/MLS in order for ShowingValue to work
To save your personal e-mail signature for e-mails you send
through ShowingValue, enter your signature information in the
Personalized Email Signature field and click Save Now.
User Manual
E-mailing showing agents
You can e-mail announcements or updates directly to agents
who’ve shown your listings. Follow these steps to send an e-mail
to showing agents.
Only the agents who’ve opted to receive listing update e-mails in
the ShowingValue Settings screen will receive your e-mail.
1. Click Actions in the left-hand column of your screen
under ShowingValue.
2. Under Actions, click Send an Email to Showing Agents.
3. Select the listing by entering the KeyBox number or
MLS number. You can enter the KeyBox number
manually or select it from the dropdown list.
4. Select the date range for the showings at your listing.
Select a range from the dropdown list, or select specify
date range to enter your own dates. Click Continue.
5. Agents who’ve shown the listing are displayed. Select
the agents you want to send an e-mail to by checking the
boxes in the Send Email column. You can use the Select
All and Unselect All links at the top of the column to
select/deselect all agents at once. Click Continue.
6. In the Compose Email screen, type your e-mail in the
Comments field. If you do not have a saved e-mail
signature, enter the information in the Personal Email
Signature field.
7. Click Preview to view your message before sending, and
click Send Now to send the e-mail.
Chapter 4
Showing activity
Viewing eFeedback
eFeedback is information about a listing, including the buyer’s
interest level, how the buyer learned about the listing, and
whether the price is within the buyer’s range.
eFeedback sent by showing agents about your listings is
displayed in the second row of your Dashboard. Click the View
button to generate a detailed eFeedback report that includes the
date/time of the showing, KeyBox serial number, showing agent,
listing number, listing address, and the feedback received from
the buyer. Click Create New Report to generate a new
eFeedback report for a specific KeyBox, listing number, or date
If a showing agent is unable to send you eFeedback for one of
your listings but provides feedback verbally, you can add the
feedback to the listing in ShowingValue. If necessary, you can
also edit eFeedback already received from a showing agent.
To add or edit eFeedback for a showing:
1. Click Actions in the left-hand column of your screen
under ShowingValue.
2. Click Add or Edit eFeedback on Your Listing.
3. Locate the showing record and click the Add or View/
Edit button.
or modify the feedback about your listing, then click
Save Now.
User Manual
Figure 22. Add / Edit eFeedback screen
eFeedback reminders
Feedback reminders for the properties you’ve shown are
displayed in the third row of your Dashboard. Click the View
button to see detailed showing information for each reminder,
including the date/time, listing number, KeyBox serial number,
and listing address.
To respond to an eFeedback reminder, do the following:
1. Click the Respond button next to the showing record
2. Use the dropdown menus and Notes field in the Enter
eFeedback screen to provide feedback to the listing
3. Click Send Now to send your feedback.
To ignore an eFeedback reminder, click the Ignore button next to
the showing record.
Chapter 4
Showing activity
Figure 23. Select eFeedback Reminder screen
Reading a KeyBox
You can view the showing activity stored in a KeyBox on your
PDA by performing a KeyBox read.
To read the showing activity in a KeyBox:
1. Open the eKEY application.
2. Select READ SHOWINGS from the eKEY menu.
3. Select Read. If your PDA is inside the eKEY shell,
select Read Showings from the submenu.
4. Enter the shackle code for the KeyBox and select OK or
press Enter on the shell.
5. Insert your eKEY shell into an AEII KeyBox or point
your PDA at an iBox. Several screens display as the
PDA communicates with the KeyBox.
User Manual
The KeyBox showing activity displays. Select an individual
Figure 24. KeyBox showing activity details
KIM voice access
If you do not have access to the Internet, you can request a
showing activity report through KIM voice access. The KeyBox
serial number and shackle code are required when you request the
To request an activity report from KIM:
1. Call KIM at 888-968-4032.
2. Enter your three-digit area code.
3. On your phone keypad, enter your eKEY serial number
and PIN code, then press #.
4. Select option number 5 from the voice menu.
5. Press 1 for a voice report or 2 for a faxed report. Follow
KIM’s instructions to receive the report.
Chapter 4
Showing activity
If you have eKEY Professional service, the eDATA application
lets you view showing activity on your PDA for each KeyBox in
your inventory.
Showing activity for the previous seven days is displayed in
eDATA. To reduce the number of days of activity delivered to
your PDA, log on to the KIM website and click the Showing
Activity link in the left-hand column. Click Configure, select a
new number from the Showing Frequency dropdown list, then
click Save.
To view showing activity on your PDA:
1. Select the eDATA icon to open the application.
2. Select SHOWINGS to display a list of showing activity
Figure 25. eDATA showing activity
User Manual
You can sort the list by KeyBox ID number or showing
date. On PDAs with the Palm OS, tap the dropdown
menu next to Sort By to change the sort option. In the
Windows Mobile OS, go to Options | Sort by. Windows
Mobile also lets you change the columns displayed by
going to Options | View by.
3. Select an individual record to display detailed showing
information. The address is displayed if you assigned a
listing ID to the KeyBox when you added it to your
If you select the Agent Name field, the agent’s roster information
on viewing the roster.
If the View Feedback button is active in an individual showing
record, there is feedback about the listing from the showing
agent. Select View Feedback to display the feedback
You can delete a showing activity record by selecting the Delete
button in the individual record. The activity is only deleted from
your PDA and remains viewable in the ShowingValue feature of
the KIM website for 90 days. If the activity falls within the
number of days you’ve specified at the KIM website to have
delivered to your PDA, it will be delivered again during your next
User Manual
Listing and MLS data
If you have eKEY Professional service, the eDATA application
search for and view current MLS listings, including
personal listings and HotSheet information;
create client profiles and view matching listings;
view the MLS agent roster;
view KeyBox showing activity; and
view messages from you association/MLS, your broker
office, and GE Security.
This chapter discusses the Listings, Clients, Roster, and
information about viewing showing activity in the eDATA
Figure 26. eDATA application
Chapter 5
MLS data
If you have eKEY Basic service, you can only use the eDATA
application to view messages. Contact your association/MLS if
you would like to change your service level.
The listings delivered to your PDA are defined when you
To view listings, select LISTINGS from the eDATA menu. The
viewing listings.
Figure 27. Listing Selection screen
Custom search. The Custom Search option allows you to
view specific listings in your market area. Searchable
fields include: area, price, class, status, number of
bedrooms, and number of bathrooms.
To perform a custom search, select CUSTOM SEARCH
from the Listings Selection menu. In the Custom Search
to search by, enter the information, then select Search.
Chapter 5
MLS data
MLS ID Search. The MLS ID Search option allows you to
search for listings by MLS ID number. To perform an
MLS ID search, select MLS ID SEARCH from the
Listings Selection menu. In the MLS Search screen
select Search.
Figure 30. MLS Search screen
Personal Listings. You can view your personal listings by
selecting PERSONAL LISTINGS in the Listings
Selection menu.
HotSheet Listings. HotSheet listings are those that are new
or have had a status change within the last three days.
You can view these listings by selecting
HOTSHEET LISTINGS from the Listings Selection
User Manual
up to the first ten (Palm OS) or twelve (Windows Mobile OS)
listings that meet your search criteria. HotSheet listings appear in
bold type. Use the scroll bar to scroll through the listings.
Figure 31. Results screen
To sort listings, select Sort By and use the dropdown menus to
Figure 32. Sort Order screen
Chapter 5
MLS data
Select an individual record to view detailed information about the
listing details. If a field is highlighted in red, the listing is a
HotSheet listing that has recently changed.
Figure 33. Listing details screen
To display the listing agent’s roster information on a Palm device,
tap the arrow button next to the Agent field. On a Windows
more information on the agent roster.
If you have a PDA phone with the Palm OS, tap the arrow next to
the phone number field to dial the listing agent’s phone number.
On a Windows Mobile PDA phone, select the phone number link.
User Manual
If you’ve downloaded the appropriate county maps using the
Mapopolis application, you can display a map of the listing
address field in the listing record. On a Windows Mobile PDA,
Chapter 1 for information on downloading maps.
Figure 34. Mapopolis screen
If your PDA has the Palm OS, you can change the font style to
make the text in the listing details screen easier to read. Do the
1. Tap the Menu icon.
2. Tap Detailed Listing Font.
3. Select the font style you want to use.
4. Tap OK.
Chapter 5
MLS data
Client profiles
The eDATA application lets you create and save custom searches
based on a profile that matches a client’s specific preferences.
To create a client profile:
1. Select CLIENTS from the eDATA menu.
2. Select New.
3. Select fields to enter the client profile information
Figure 35. Edit Profile screen
4. On Palm PDA, tap OK when you are finished. On a
Windows Mobile device, select Done.
Once you’ve created a saved client profile, you can view listings
that match the profile’s specifications. On a Palm PDA, open
CLIENTS from the eDATA menu, select a profile name from the
list, then select Search. For Windows Mobile, select a profile
name from the list, then go to Options | Search.
User Manual
The eDATA application provides you with a roster of the
members in your association/MLS. When you perform your first
manual eSYNC using the UPDATE KEY & MLS option, the
entire roster is downloaded to your PDA. Changes to roster data
are downloaded with each subsequent eSYNC.
To view the roster, select ROSTER from the eDATA menu. The
roster. To look up an agent, select the Look Up field and enter the
first few letters of the agent’s last name. As you enter the letters,
the list scrolls to the nearest matching record. Continue entering
letters to spell out the member’s name until it is highlighted on
the screen.
Figure 36. Roster screen
Select an agent name to view detailed contact information,
including the agent’s phone number, office name, office phone
number, and e-mail address. If you have a PDA phone with the
Palm OS, tap the arrow next to the phone number field to dial the
listing agent’s phone number. On a Windows Mobile PDA
phone, select the phone number link.
Chapter 5
MLS data
The Messages option in the eDATA application displays messages
delivered to your PDA during eSYNC from your association/
MLS, your broker, or GE Security.
To view messages, select MESSAGES from the eDATA menu.
The Messages screen displays a list of messages received during
the last eSYNC. Select a record to view the entire message
Figure 37. Messages screen
User Manual
User Manual
The eKEY application stores the 20 most recent errors that have
occurred. To view the Error Log, open the eKEY application and
select TROUBLESHOOTING from the main menu. In the
Troubleshooting screen, the Error Log tab displays a list of errors
including how to troubleshoot it.
Figure 38. Error log tab and Error Details screen
The Key Info tab of the Troubleshooting screen displays your
eKEY serial number. If your PDA is inside the eKEY shell, the
tab also displays the shell product code, battery level, battery
voltage, and firmware version number.
Chapter 6
Technical support
If you need assistance troubleshooting your Supra software,
technical support is available from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific Time,
seven days a week.
Table 1. Technical support contact information
Please have your PDA ready before calling for technical support.
Another great resource for assistance with your Supra software is
our training library, available to all agents. To access the library,
go to our website at the following location:
In the left-hand column of your screen, click the Training link
under the Related Services section.
User Manual
connection methods...........................21
connection settings............................22
User Manual
activity reports ..................................47
e-mail notifications ...........................48
reading KeyBoxes .............................53
software installation
Windows Mobile .................................8
software registration
Windows Mobile ...............................10
showing activity ................................46
key container .................................... 35
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