All Q-Series Equalizers Feature:
The Q-Series
Constant Q circuitry
XLR and 1/4” balanced inputs/
outputs and unbalanced RCA
Furman offers five different equalizers to best suit your needs: from a
single-rack-space mono 31 band, to a stereo 15 band with 60 mm long
throw sliders and VU metering in a two rack space.
Bypass switch
Selectable boost and cut range of
6dB or 12 dB
The new Furman Q-Series EQ’s are designed for use by live sound
engineers, recording studios, and musicians. These units feature constant Q
circuitry with 4% center frequency accuracy. Each is equipped with ꢀ” TRS
and XLR balanced inputs/outputs, and RCA unbalanced inputs/outputs for
the flexibility to interface with a variety of systems.
Switchable input AC voltage
Road-worthy steel construction
Three year limited warranty
Switchable to a +/-6 range for more control and better dynamics, they feature
+/-6 and +/-12 range LED indicators. Each channel bypass switch has a red
LED indicator to compare the equalized sound to the original sound, and
each channel is outfitted with a clip LED for overload detection. A shielded
internal power supply provides for low noise operation. Selectable AC input
voltage between 120 VAC 50/60HZ and 240 VAC 50/60 HZ allows for use in
almost any location. Durable all steel construction makes these units perfect
for life on the road.
Additional Features:
Single Channel 31 Band Graphic EQ
Short throw sliders
High and low cut filters
The Furman Q-Series is protected by a three-year limited warranty covering
defects in materials and workmanship.
Long throw sliders
VU output meter
High and low cut filters
Frequency Response
20HZ to 20KHZ +/-0.5 dB
.01% @ +4 dBu
Dual Channel 15 Band Graphic EQ
Input Impedance
Maximum Input Level
Output Impedance
Maximum Output Level
Common Mode Rejection
Signal to Noise Ratio
Low Pass Filter
Balanced 20K ohms, Unbalanced 15K ohms
+20 dBu
Balanced <150 ohms, Unbalanced <100 ohms
+22 dBu
Short throw sliders
>75 dB @ 60HZ
Dual Channel 15 Band Graphic EQ withVU Meter
94 dB (20KHz Noise Bandwidth)
10Hz - 250Hz, 12dB/Octave
3KHz - 40KHz, 12dB/Octave
Long throw sliders
VU output meters
High Filter
Q-2151, Q-1311
Q-2152V, Q-1312V, Q-2312
1.75”(H) x 19”(W) x 8.5”(D)
3.50”(H) x 19”(W) x 8.5”(D)
Dual Channel 31 Band Graphic EQ
Short throw sliders
High and low cut filters
F u r m a n S o u n d , I n c .
1 9 9 7 S . M c D o w e l l B l v d .
P e t a l u m a , C A 9 4 9 5 4 - 6 9 1 9
w w w. f u r m a n s o u n d . c o m
P h o n e : 7 0 7 . 7 6 3 . 1 0 1 0
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