For Ford 351 SVO and SC-1 V8s
Catalog #2860, 2863, 2865, 2868
PLEASE study these instructions, and the General Instructions, carefully before installing your new manifold. If you have any
questions, do not hesitate to contact our Technical Hotline at: (800) 416-8628 from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through
Friday, Pacific Standard Time or e-mail us at:
DESCRIPTION: The Victor Glidden manifolds are designed for competition vehicles only. They are not intended to be used on
the street as they lack provisions for chokes, emission equipment, etc. These manifolds are designed for use with Ford SVO
aluminum raised port (Yates) and SC-1 cylinder heads only; they will not fit standard cast iron Cleveland heads. The #2863
and #2865 manifolds are designed to fit cylinder blocks with a 9.200" deck height (standard Cleveland) or Windsor blocks
modified to this deck height, but can be can be installed on a 9.500” deck block if spacers #2864 are also used. The #2860
and #2868 manifolds will only fit on a 9.500” deck block. Edelbrock recommends port matching and blending prior to use for
optimum performance. Manifolds have no waterneck housing provision.
Note: #2863, #2865 and #2868 have been machined to accept a 4500 series carb and might require blending from the carb
flange to each runner roof per your given application. #2860 uses a 4150 flange and should not need to be blended.
ACCESSORIES & INSTALLATION ITEMS: Major recommendations are listed below. However, due to the variety of years,
makes and models to be covered, please review each part listed in the Installation Items section of the Edelbrock catalog to
decide whether more items are required for your specific vehicle than are mentioned in these instructions.
CARBURETOR RECOMMENDATIONS: Glidden Victor intakes #2863, #2865 and #2868 should be matched with an
appropriate 4500 flange (Dominator) carburetor. Glidden Victor intake #2860 should use a 4150 flange carburetor designed
for racing applications. Consult your carburetor manufacturer to determine the appropriate CFM rating for your application.
NITROUS PLATE RECOMMENDATIONS: Lobes that extend inside the carb pad area, creating a cloverleaf pattern in some
cases, can be trimmed or removed if they will interfere with the spray pattern of a nitrous plate.
PORT MATCH: Each intake runner should be matched to the cylinder head port size on all four sides of runner exit. This would
be the floor, roof and each sidewall. Any sharp edges left from port runner enlargement should be radius-blended to prevent
high rpm air/fuel separation at the cylinder head. This does not include removing material on floor back into the runner from
the exit end. It is just a port match. No other modification or material removal is necessary. Hard-roll polishing is acceptable,
but substantial amounts of grinding away of manifold material can impair its performance by substantially upsetting air/fuel
distribution among cylinders.
CARBURETOR SPACERS: Carburetor spacers offer a convenient method of tuning a manifold to particular engine
combinations. Certain cam and head packages like more plenum volume which you can get by using a one- or two-inch open
spacer (4500 flange uses #8717 or #8718; 4150 flange uses #8711 or #8712). Open spacers also help a small carburetor by
giving the high speed air/fuel mixture exiting the carburetor more length to make the turn into the runners. Four-hole spacers
can be used to increase carburetor signal and/or reduce the effect of reversion on the carburetor. The use of a spacer normally
requires slight re-calibration of the carburetor since small losses of fuel signal cause the engine to run somewhat leaner than
without the spacer. A simple jet change is typically all that needs to be done.
Edelbrock Corporation, 2700 California St., Torrance, CA 90503
Tech Line: 1-800-416-8628
Catalog #2860, 2863, 2865, 2868
Rev. - 1/08 AJ/mc
©2008 Edelbrock Corporation
Brochure No. 63-0124
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