Instructions on Updating Firmware on Picture Porter Elite -
Firmware version: F7-1.2.9
Firmware file: ‘FRF7K129.MMV’
A. Copying firmware file to Picture Porter Elite
1. Unzip the ‘FRF7K129.ZIP’ file and note the location of the unzipped file. This file will
be named ‘FRF7K129.MMV.’
2. Connect Picture Porter Elite to your computer.
3. Copy the unzipped file ‘FRF7K129.MMV’ onto the Picture Porter Elite hard drive.
You can copy it to any folder location on the Picture Porter Elite hard drive, but to
make it easy to remember, we recommend putting it in the folder labeled “DATA”.
4. Disconnect Picture Porter Elite from you computer.
Note: Instead of transferring the firmware update file by USB connection, you can
also copy the file to a memory card use the Copy and Paste function to copy the file
from the inserted memory card to your Picture Porter Elite hard drive.
B. Updating firmware:
1. Make sure your Picture Porter Elite is disconnected from the computer.
2. Connect your Picture Porter Elite to AC power.**
3. On Picture Porter Elite, navigate to and select the file “FRF7K129.MMV”
4. The message ‘Update to F7-1.2.9?’ will pop up. Click on Yes to update it.
5. Wait for 40 seconds for the firmware to update.
* DO NOT interrupt the firmware update while it is in process. Stopping the
firmware update before it is completed may damage your device and make it
6. Click ENTER/SEL to complete the update.
*** CAUTION: For the same reason explained in the note of step #4 above, it is
important to have your Picture Porter Elite connected to AC power while performing
the firmware update.
C. To confirm that firmware is updated:
1. Go into Options
2. Go to VERSION tab
3. Firmware version should say F7-1.2.9
Digital Foci, Inc.
Music playback:
ƒ Added Jukebox Features: (1) Supports "scrolling display of TAG information" (2)
Supports "scrolling display of highlighted item in playlist view" (3) Supports
"Variable speed FF and FB" (4) Supports "ID3v2.2"
ƒ Added Jukebox display "remaining time" function.
Other bug fixes and feature enhancement:
ƒ Fixed PS2002 error message when PS2002 doesn't exist or ID error.
ƒ Fixed battery monitoring bug. PPE-360 will repeatedly reset while low battery.
ƒ Decreased LCD backlight while backing-up to save battery life.
Digital Foci, Inc.
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